This is her signature face when she sees something she likes. For example, if you hand her a stuffed animal she sqinches up her nose, squints her eyes and sort of breathes through her nose like she is excited about it. It's hilarious. We're not sure where that came from.
Uncle James got a new Harley and Sydney cried when he started it. It was a little too loud for her. I swear, she can scream louder than a motorcycle though.
But she liked it and got to sit on it.
Sydney's friend, Kylyn, came over to play. Kylyn's big brother, Greyson, was there too along with her parents, Karrie (Walker) and Matt. Unfortunately, they live in North Carolina, so we don't get to see them often.
Last Sunday, April 19th, Sydney officially started crawling. She'd been going backwards and one crawl forward before dropping down to her belly before. Aunt Kristin came over and she crawled right over to her. It was great and I was happy that I wasn't the only one that got to see it. She's been crawling for a week now and is already pulling herself up on things. Geoff saw her kneeling in her crib peeking over the edge this morning. We're in trouble! Get the baby gates ready! We have her 9 month pediatrician visit Wed., so we'll have an update again soon. She's already slimming down from crawling. I weighed her at home the other day and she was 22 lbs.