Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Trip to the Big Apple

Sorry, I've been on summer hours and have a lot of catching up to do. We went to NYC in the beginning of June to go to the Belmont Stakes horse race and a Yankee game. Below are some pictures from our trip.
Sydney is still cracking us up and doing something new everyday. This morning she climbed a flight of stairs on her own (with supervision), but is still being very cautious about walking. If I stand her up and let go of her, she immediately buckles her knees once she realizes no one is hanging on to her. If she's not paying attention I have been able to get her to stand on her own for about 7 seconds. Then she realizes she's solo, looks at me with wide eyes, like, "Mom! What the heck?!" and buckles or reaches out for me.
My first Yankee game!

Already making faces when Mom wants a nice picture

The new stadium is beautiful
Yea!!! Go Team!
That was really tiring...

My first horse race - The Belmont Stakes

Posing with Mom and Dad

Hanging with Uncle James and Aunt Kristin

Watching the horse race with Uncle Mike, Grandma and Grandpa Kent

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