Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Friday, August 29, 2008

Tummy Time

But she's pretty exhausted afterwards...

We're working on tummy time and she's holding her head up pretty well now...

Sydney was born with brown hair, but its starting to fall out now. My mom tells me this is normal and it will probably come in blond. Geoff and I were both pretty blond as kids, so we're not sure where the brown hair came from...

It's a miracle!

Sydney is 3 weeks old and holding up her own bottle! This photo is proof! She always has her arms moving, scratching me, or grabbing my hand and on this morning she held onto her bottle. I decided to move my hand and she continued to hold the bottle. I yelled for Geoff and he took the photo.

Our first sleepover at Kamp Kent

Sydney got an adorable chair from some friends of ours and I had to prop her up in it. Yeh, she tipped over several times in it before I got the photo, but I thought it turned out pretty cute.
This is Jack Rigabar, the son of our friends Joe and Jess and Sydney's boyfriend :) A cutie, right?! He's 6 months old and we think he's already got his eye on Sydney. They came to visit us at Kamp and to meet Sydney for the first time. Sydney was 2 weeks old when she had her first sleepover at Kamp Kent. She got to ride on the party barge and got plenty of attention from Grandma & Grandpa Kent, Aunt Kristin and Uncle James.

Our first weeks at home

Sydney really likes her swing and often takes naps in it. Everyone told us the first few weeks at home would be tough and they definitely were. At night I was nursing every other hour for an hour each time. It was brutal. I eventually decided to suppliment with formula and things got much better. She was more full and therefore slept longer. By the third week she was sleeping 3 hours at a time. She's also been very good about going right back to sleep after being changed and eating. She is an early riser though - up by 7am and wanting out of the bedroom. We've had her sleeping in the pack-n-play next to our bed. I've considered moving her to her room to sleep in the crib a few times, but I'm not ready yet. She does nap in the crib from time to time, but seems to sleep the longest in her carseat. I think its because its snug? She falls asleep in the car and on walks, both of which are in the carseat. Its great because she can stay right in it and we can bring her in the house.
We've definitely gotten a few smiles out of her. Aunt Kristin calls it her "cheerleading" moves. I have her on my lap and raise her arms up saying "yea" and it gets a grin. My mom touches her toes to her nose and that gets a smile too. Oh, and she's humming between gulps from her bottle. Its pretty cute. I love hearing her soft little voice. Speaking of voice, I swear her screams get louder by the day!

Lots of Visitors

We've had lot of visitors and received SO many wonderful gifts. We've ventured out a few times, mostly to doctor's appointments and once to Target. I realized I needed more newborn clothes since we were going through a few outfits a day due to spit up and poops. When she was 6 days old we went to the pediatrician and stopped at Target on the way home. An older lady asked how old she was and told us (my mom and me) that she didn't bring her baby out for 20 days after he was born. That was my first "bad mom" comment. Whatever!!

Our hospital stay

We arrived at the hospital on Thursday, July 31 and left on Monday, August 4. The nurses and staff at the hospital were great and even gave us baby breaks in the middle of the night, by taking her to the nursery, so we could get some sleep. I have to admit, this made me nervous, having her out of my sight and room, but I was too exhausted to turn down the offer. Geoff stayed every night at the hospital with me in an uncomfortable chair that converts to a bed.

Introducing Sydney Drew

Sydney Drew Kent was born on August 1, 2008 at 10:52pm. After 10 long hours of labor she was born caesarean section at St. Joseph's Hospital in Syracuse. She weighed 8lbs. even and was 20.5 inches long.