Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Photo Day

Our nice neighbor took these wonderful pictures of Sydney. I hope to get some done a few times a year since she is changing so quickly. She is making progress daily in the walking department. Sydney pushes around anything she can including her walker, her little rocking chair, her doll's baby stroller and sometimes even our kitchen chairs. Her favorite thing to play with is books. She can have a thousand toys surrounding her and she still crawls over to her box of books, tips it over, pulls several out and starts turning the pages. Sometimes she'll babble as she 'reads' the pages. She'll be 10 months next week. So hard to believe!
Never fail, you hand her a stuffed toy and she squeals as she squeezes and hugs it. It doesn't matter if she's seen it a hundred times.Pushing her baby stroller

Eating the flower at her photo shoot outside. We figured out the hard way that maybe this wasn't the right flower to hand her. She bit the top and had a whole bunch of tiny petals in her mouth. I finger scooped them out as she clenched her jaw and bit my finger. It ended with a few gags from the petals I apparently didn't get and a screaming baby. I think she may have been a little hungry... what's new.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

9 months old

very serious...

Sydney and her 2nd cousin, Jordan

Sydney had a successful 9 month visit at the pediatrician and didn't need to get any shots because she was all caught up on them. She is still in the 95th percentile for length and weight for her age, weighing 23 lbs and 29" long. She had all kinds of little tests like banging two blocks together and turning toward sounds. The doctor said she did excellent.
Sydney is getting into everything. I just put up the baby gates today. I could have done it sooner, but have been putting it off since they are a pain to step over. She likes to get into Tyra's toys and food, so it has to be done. Sydney now pulls herself up to a standing position and can say 'dada.' Maybe for Mother's day she'll say 'mama,' yeh right...